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Monday, 01 April 2024

Modular Technology in Footwear Design as Efforts to Optimize Raw Materials for Industrial Waste Reduction

Try to count how many shoes you own? There are shoes for sports, going to the office, walking around, and many other types of shoes. You might not even realize that you have many pairs of shoes piling up in your closet. As a prestigious individual – due to urban cultural phenomena – there is a tendency to dispose of shoes that appear worn out, untidy, or simply to keep up with the times or trends. The pile of discarded footwear increases with the existence of shoe industry policies that discard products that fail to sell due to oversupply in the market. About 5-10% of shoes remain unsold from the entire production.

Wegig Murwonuugroho (Design Professor) along with Tiko Prabhata (Master of Design student at FSRD – Universitas Trisakti) have a solution. How can one have limited shoes but still be able to use them for various activities?

The solution comes in the form of “modular footwear” – footwear that can be multifunctional as sandals, sandal shoes, and shoes. Furthermore, these footwear can also be combined into various configurations to meet the wearer’s needs, thus reducing the necessity for numerous pairs of shoes. This design serves as an answer to the increasing waste generated by shoes. This program is aligned with the SDGS program where this DIKTI Grant acquisition program also helps reduce pollution from footwear waste. Funding is obtained from the Ministry of Education, Research, and Technology for the Master’s Grant. This research is conducted in collaboration with industrial partners PT Legit Kreasi Indonesia and PT Yani Ghazi Leather.

News Source: @humas_usakti

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